Simple. Effective.

Less Procrastination

Imagine how much more you can achieve if you procrastinate less. Well, there’s some good news: this tool is your chance to reduce procrastination!



A ToDo List App with an Emphasis on Ease of Use

Ezytask only contains the features you need, not the ones you’re never going to use. This helps increase the chances of using the app, more often than not - and using it regularly could help reduce your procrastination.

  • Easy to get started.
  • Make use of idle time.
  • Lessen procrastination when used daily.
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With its simple design and operation, we are confident you will enjoy using Ezytask. This is key, as we firmly believe that an enjoyable experience can help encourage regular use, thus reducing procrastination and helping you feel better about yourself.

Less Procrastination

With Ezytask, your goal is simple: to complete as many tasks as possible. Once you have done so, tasks are displayed as crossed-off text in blue font. The more tasks that you complete, the more accomplished you should feel (resulting in a lower chance of procrastinating).

Make Use Of Idle Time

Ezytask lets you manage multiple ToDo lists at once. Each column is a separate ToDo list. Based on our experience, most people can only effectively manage two ToDo lists at once. We have built a useful feature that combines all ToDo lists into one column, letting you manage many more ToDo lists in one column! Hopefully, this can help reduce your idle time.

Increased Confidence

As you add tasks to Ezytask, you should have fewer things to remember. This should help you feel more confident that when you next open Ezytask, every task you’ve created will be there. This should leave your mind free for other things, such as pleasure, while allowing you to feel more confident.

Less Worry

Imagine, for example, you have to do a speech in front of an audience a month away. Here, you could create a task in Ezytask and schedule it for a week beforehand, e.g., ‘Compose speech,’ to give you ample time to prepare. This allows you to think about it later, taking one less stress off your current schedule.

Plan Anything

Ezytask can be used to plan just about anything in your life, from hobbies to work schedules to important events to miscellaneous tasks such as looking for an apartment. Just ensure you mark completed tasks as Done so you’ll be able to gauge your progress.

Feel Better

Ezytask lets you mark completed tasks as ‘Done’ as you achieve them. They will appear crossed out in blue, which provides a sense of accomplishment and encourages you to complete more tasks. The more tasks you complete, the better you should feel!

Holiday And Weekend Markers

Ezytask can automatically highlight weekends and public holidays in many countries and states around the world. After all, when it comes to planning your schedule, knowing when public holidays are each year is a must. In this way, you can plan your work/life more effectively, plan for vacations in advance, etc

Secure Data

Ezytask has the capacity to store data in the cloud, which is encrypted at rest and in transit on Amazon Web Services. This helps to give greater flexibility and allows you to access your schedule from your mobile device anywhere.

No Need To Save Data In The Cloud

For those who do not feel comfortable saving personal data in the cloud, don’t panic – we’ve got you covered! You can save your entire schedule to a file and store this directly on your computer, allowing you to load your schedule from the file and manage it without going anywhere near the cloud.



Mobile view, dark mode. Columns are merged automatically into one column for faster performance on mobile devices.


Mobile view, light mode. Columns are merged automatically into one column for faster performance on mobile devices.


Ezytask lets you create multiple columns/ToDo lists.


Ezytask lets you combine multiple columns/ToDo lists into one column! After all, sometimes, it’s easier to manage just a single column rather than several.


Ezytask allows you to create recurring tasks by selecting days on a calendar. All it takes is a simple point-and-click!

Procrastinate Less. Achieve More.

By procrastinating less, you can make better progress in life. Don’t wait another year.

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A Software Company Specialising in Productivity Applications

Ezytask is a product of MKC Software, an Australian-based software startup specialising in productivity applications. Our mission is to help people become more productive and reduce time wastage. Our flagship product, Ezytask, was developed over a number of years. Join us in this quest for a better, more productive future.

Picture of the author
Picture of the author

Our Pricing

Select a plan that meets your budget and usage requirements. All plans come with a 14-day FREE trial period!




Billing Per MONTH

Max. Columns: 5

Max. Tasks: 1,750

Mobile Ready: Yes

Free Trial: 14 days

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Billing Per MONTH

Max. Columns: 8

Max. Tasks: 3,500

Mobile Ready: Yes

Free Trial: 14 days

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Billing Per MONTH

Max. Columns: 10

Max. Tasks: 5,250

Mobile Ready: Yes

Free Trial: 14 days

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Feel free to send us a message, feedback, feature requests, technical support, any questions you might have, or even to simply say ‘Greetings.’ We strive to reply to your enquiry within 24 hours, where possible.

Office Address:
Suite 16, Level 7, 570 Saint Kilda Road,
Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia

+61 1300 085032

Working Hours:
8:30AM To 5:30PM AEST